
Removal of Excel add-in and application Ribbon Excel 2010

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Hi All,

Wondering if any body can help. I have an application that installs an excel add-in and custom ribbon. By default the application runs an active setup to install the add-in and Ribbon on all user profiles, however when i try and remove the application it works fine for the current logged in user, however if i log in with any other user Excel complains that that xla add-in and location of the ribbon cannot be found.

If you manually turn this options off inside Excel the issues goes away.

I'm trying to find out if anybody has a scrip that might be able to help me to remove this add-in and custom ribbon from all local profiles on the machine?

I'm using Win 7 32 bit and Office 2010.


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Answers (2)

Posted by: jagadeish 9 years ago
Red Belt
Create a VBScript to remove AddIn related keys from HKCU,
keep that VBScript in it's own component under some common location like C:\Windows\RemoveMyAddIn\ 
Make it as permanent component
Create an ActiveSetup key during uninstallation and call the above mentioned VBScript via this Active Setup
Posted by: anonymous_9363 9 years ago
Red Belt
There's an excellent VBS here on IT Ninja by Captain Planet which installs & uninstalls XL add-ins.

As for the ribbon, I imagine that it's status is stored in HKCU, too so it's just a question of capturing what changes when it's removed and adding that to your uninstall 'package'.

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