
Repackaging an InstallShield File with Wise

I'm a Newbee, so maybe this question was posted before.
I do repackaging an IS file with Wise and get hundreds of registry entries like this:






I wonder why they all have an "I" at the beginning. Are they useful for the application or is it something from IS that is not necessary for the application itself? Does anybody know something about this?

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Answers (4)

Posted by: AngelD 17 years ago
Red Belt
The "I" indicates the Class is an Interface.
They could be part of the InstallShield engine, ISScript.msi or legacy.
You would need to verify if the Interface is used by the IS engine or not.
If not then keep them.
Posted by: AngelD 17 years ago
Red Belt
Forgott that you can use my "CleanOutInstallShieldRuntimeRegistry.vbs" found at below thread to get all related IS registry entries that could be removed from the MSI if included in the capture.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 17 years ago
Red Belt
Somewhere there's an INI section you can paste into Repackage.INI (local) or WisePSSC.INI (global) to set Wise to ignore InstallShield registry stuff.
Posted by: norexx 15 years ago
Orange Belt
This is an old thread, but here's a handy little tip:

%Systemroot%\WisePSSC.ini: This is the local exclusion list file that Wise always checks first during a SetupCapture --even before the share-based Repackage.ini. To avoid file/version conflicts, I'd recommended no entries aside from the redirect to “network”, which forces Wise to use "master" Repackage.ini on the Wise Share Point:
Config Location=Network
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