
Repackaging software wrapped in InstallShield

I have multiple applications that I need to package into msi format. They were all created using installshield 9. When I run them, I notice it creates some folders in c:\doc and settings\%user%\local settings\temp and one of the folders has an .msi for the application as well as an msi for isscript9. I was HOPING I could simply grab that msi and not have to actually package it myself, but it doesn't work. The msi either fails to run at all, or doesn't install correctly.
When I try to create a packing using Wise Package Studio, I have tons of various problems. It just doesn't seem to package the same way a typical install would.
So....are there any tips or guidelines you can give me for packaging an installshield-based setup.exe to msi?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: aogilmor 17 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Here are some tips which often work, but not always.


Sometimes you need to get vendor support. See if they have a command line you can run for silent installations or if they have a way to apply customizations in a transform.
Posted by: jllotz1 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
They have given me silent install command line options, but I didn't think that would help. Can you explain further?
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