Repacking SafeSign
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Good afternoon.
I'm having problems when trying to create the .msi from AppDeploy.
If anyone can help there on tips or even answer my question here will be of great value.
The SafeSign application is available via the site
I'm grateful for any contribution ..
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Posted by:
9 years ago
the SafeSign application installation package that you are referencing is a exe wrapped msi installation, therefore does not need to the "Repackaged".
Carry out the following steps:
1. CD to %temp% and delete anything in there
2. Copy the "Safesign_3.0.80_x32.exe" file to a target system and run the executable
3. Choose your language and wait until the "Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for SafeSign" dialogue appears
4. CD to %temp% directory and you should find a directory that contains the msi and a mst file (with support files). In my case these files were located in "%temp%\{5CC2C1FE-5429-4B8E-BD99-8AF875229DEB}" (but as this is dynamic it will probably be different on your system)
5. If you chose English as your installation language, you need the 1033.mst and the SafeSign.msi from the above directory (other language choices produce different langiage specific mst files)
6. Using your tool of choice, you can now edit the package (via the mst) to fit your needs
the SafeSign application installation package that you are referencing is a exe wrapped msi installation, therefore does not need to the "Repackaged".
Carry out the following steps:
1. CD to %temp% and delete anything in there
2. Copy the "Safesign_3.0.80_x32.exe" file to a target system and run the executable
3. Choose your language and wait until the "Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for SafeSign" dialogue appears
4. CD to %temp% directory and you should find a directory that contains the msi and a mst file (with support files). In my case these files were located in "%temp%\{5CC2C1FE-5429-4B8E-BD99-8AF875229DEB}" (but as this is dynamic it will probably be different on your system)
5. If you chose English as your installation language, you need the 1033.mst and the SafeSign.msi from the above directory (other language choices produce different langiage specific mst files)
6. Using your tool of choice, you can now edit the package (via the mst) to fit your needs