
Repairing / Updating MSI Install with Transform

I have deployed Visio 2002 to my users without using a transform but now I need to modify the installation. It is possible to reinstall with a transform when a transform was not used on the initial installation or do I need to remove and then reinstall?

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Answers (4)

Posted by: ab2cv 20 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
I think that a transform can only be applied during an install.

Reinstallmode will just trigger a repair using the configuration that the msi was originally installed with. It should be easy enough to test and confirm this though.

Someone will correct me if I'm wrong. ;-)

Posted by: mickman 19 years ago
Orange Belt
The only way your changes could be applied is to make a upgrade of that installation. You could renew your product code (not upgrade code) en encrement the package version. In de Upgrade Table add the reference to the previous installed msi.

Now, when you distibute your package with the new MST, MSI Installer notices that your installation is newer than the current one and will install the new version. At the end of this installation the uninstall will start to remove the old version.
Or you can use a MSI patch.
Posted by: dj_xest 19 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
Dan, are you making on the changes with feature? I mean you want to remove/add some features/components in Visio? Then use Maintenance Wizard of Ork Tool to add/remove features that are installed.
Posted by: MSIMaker 19 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
Visio creates a User Environment when it is first run. If you make a change to the install then I suggest you do a full uninstall and reinstall so that the User cache is cleared and your changed will have effect.

Because we don't know what the exact changes are...its hard to advise you. But if they are for the Pro or Enterprise version then tread lightly because a broken Vosio install is really nasty.
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