
Replacing msiexec.exe in Windows 7?

Hello everybody,

I have been trying to replace msiexec.exe with another executable that only displays the parameters/arguments it was called with. Collegue's of mine have been able to use this in XP. The reason is that I have an exe that starts an MSI, and I want to figure out with which parameters it is passing to msiexec.

2 questions:

1. In Windows 7, it took me some jugling with ownership and permissions to replace the file, that's possible. But when executing the setup.exe, windows complains that the windows installer is not installed correctly. Is there a way to fool windows into believing that everything is fine?
2. Do you know an easier way to do this?


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Answers (5)

Posted by: mikkojarvinen 13 years ago
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
Most set-up stubs like this include a switch (normally '/V') to enable parameter-passing to MSIExec.EXE. Trysetup /v"/l*v %temp%\[PackageName].LOG"You will end up with a log file in the %TEMP% folder. In that file's first dozen or so lines wil be the command line that was passed to it.

If that doesn't work, enable the 'MSI Logging' policy before running the stub. You can do this via the Registry and no need to referesh Group Policy. This time, you'll get a log in %SystemRoot%\TEMP, whose name will be prefixed with 'MSI'. Remember to disable the policy when you're done.
Posted by: lokeshmajji 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Launch procman ,remove unneccesary processed by excluding them
launch your exe
goto the process name and its properties you can find the command line
Posted by: jmaclaurin 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
Side note to this, since you found that the setup.exe is calling the msi, can you skip the setup.exe and just use the msi?

Another thing you may also want to look in is the installation notes from the vendor. They often include the command line to use for a silent install and may also outline everything you need for one, including how the setup.exe calls.manipulates the msi. There may also be a bat file for the silent install already included with the install. Lastly, if you try googling your application plus the words silent intall (or variations there of) you may get the exact results for what you need (eg: posts on the vendor's support forum).
Posted by: hirecrishecom 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Try this one !!! Make sure it is done..
setup /v"/l*v %temp%\[PackageName].LOG"
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