
RoboHelp Office X5


I am trying to install the above mentioned program. first, I would like to make a silent installation with the following line:

setup /r robo.iss

(From the installation source off course)

Unfortunately, I do not see an iss file anywhere... I have searched all my hard drives, but the above mentioned iss file is not found.

Alos I tried 'setup /r'. In that case, the setup.iss file should be found in the %windir% directory, but is not there.

What I am doing wrong?

With kind regards...

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Answers (3)

Posted by: kevin118 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
The command setup.exe /r is correct for the setup file contained inside the robohelp directory. It will produce a setup.iss file in the windows directory which you can then use for a silent deployment.

Anpther issue I have encountered is a lack of sufficient rights for standard users.
The vendor has published the following technote which claims:
"RoboHelp Office can be used under any profile with Power User permissions or higher".

However, evne Power Users continue to receive the following error when launching Robohelp X5 - "Unable to register itss.dll".
Manually registering the file does not solve the problem...Any ideas?
Posted by: Venki 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi kevin,

Check this registry key


The date format should be dd-mm-yyyy

I had problem in this application because of the date format not being set properly.
Posted by: kevin118 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I have received the following reply from macromedia tech support:

"RoboHelp X5 works in such a way that the person who installs the program is the only one who can use the program". Fantastic !!

I have tried ALLUSERS=2 via a transform file - no luck.
I have also given admin privleges to another account - no luck.

Has anyone else encounterd the same issue?
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