
ROCLINK800 v2.0 - Issue where client installs, but SCCM reports a ReturnCode: -3

I'm having an issue where a ROCLINK800 v2.0 package we setup installs fine, but shows a ReturnCode: -3 in SCCM.

Emerson (the vendor) is pointing back to install shield as the issue. Any ideas?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 12 years ago
Red Belt

if there's an exe install involved returning the -3, what does a log of the install tell you? for an installshield setup you should be able to use the -f2 parameter to specify a log file.

If the installer actually contains an MSI, try installing that directly. you might need to use the ISSETUPDRIVEN=1 parameter on the commandline

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