
Roxio Easy Media Creator 7

Can anyone out there pls help as to why EMC7 i packaged using a transform installs ok on XP and doesn't install on win2k. Permission seems ok. Even tried packaging from scratch on win2k but still won't install using the same batch file that installs successfully on XP.


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Answers (2)

Posted by: VikingLoki 19 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
I haven't worked with this app, but I've found other Roxio apps are a royal PIA to package. (for what that's worth)

You need to provide more details. What happens on W2K? Error? Something goes differently on the two and you need to narrow down what it could be. You might also want to do a setup capture of your MSI on XP and one on W2K. This isn't to produce any sort of package that you'll use, but rather to compare the two captures and focus on anything different. Take the XPCapture.MSI and the W2KCapture.MSI and use an MSI comparison tool (MSIDiff? I think) to see if anything is different.

Also check the MSI script to see if any special conditions exist (or don't exist) for W2K compared to XP.
Posted by: teejay2 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
After comparing both snapshots there were no apparent differences noticeable, i therefore decided to create a new batch file to install the app on W2K rather than use the one that has been successfully installing on XP.

Surprise, surprise, it worked. Now am trying to figure out if i can use a single batch file to install the app on both operating systems.
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