
Running .EXE created by WPS Script Silently

I am looking for a solutoin to run a script created by Wise Package Studio 7 silently. The script is calling a msi with /qb. I have many packages that are created this way and looking now to make them silent without having to repackage each package.

Is there a way to suppress the command lines that are embedded in the scripts when running the .exe?


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Answers (1)

Posted by: michaelnowell 15 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
To run a Wisescript silently simply run script.exe /s

This will only suppress things like the dialog boxes etc that you have specified in the script.

Things like executing an additional process (e.g. a windows installer command) will run which whichever command line that you have specified in the script.

So if you want to execute an MSI silently, you'll have to change the command line within the script to /q
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