
running scripts immediately

Hello, I am trying to make sure a script runs as soon as the machine is added to a specific label. So I am using the breadcrumb method as mentioned in one of the KBOX videos to create a registry key and value when imaging a machine. I then created a smart label that looks for that registry entry. Next I have a scripted install that is to run on machines with that label. So after imaging the machine I force it to update its inventory and I verify that it no has the smart label applied to it. I now want the script to run as soon as possible, what is the best way to make sure this happens?

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Answers (5)

Posted by: GillySpy 14 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
This might be hard to go through on the forums, but here goes.

Is it an online script or offline script? What is the schedule on the script? Is it enabled? What are the target OSes?

Do you see the kbot listed as a task in the tasks list? Settings->support->ts tools ->tasks
Posted by: csummers73 14 years ago
Orange Belt
I tried both online and offline, but I believe it needs to be online, as I need the script to only run while I am logged in. I had it to not run on a schedule, but probably need to change that to run every so many minutes I guess? I just thought even without a schedule it would run the first time upon seeing the new system. I set the target OSes to Windows 7 only. I do not see a task list in the TS Tools section.
Posted by: GillySpy 14 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
I have lots of questions and clarifications for you that probably would be best in a ticket. Are you able to open a ticket?
Posted by: csummers73 14 years ago
Orange Belt
not sure, I do not have a login for the support site, how do I get that?
Posted by: GillySpy 14 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
You can email your question in (support@kace.com) or use the forgot password link on the site
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