
Running two installations


I am trying to run an exe during the installation of .msi. However, the installation is not getting completed because 2 installations are running at the same time. I wanted to know how can I pause the installation of first one, execute the second completely and then resume the first installation?


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Answers (3)

Posted by: atulkulk 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
I need to have silent installation. I need to execute .msi file on the command prompt and I need to install prerequisite as well. The prerequisite page in Wise Package Studio 8 doesn't allow me to execute the .msi file along with prerequisite(.exe) file in silent mode. How can I achieve this using Wise Studio?
Posted by: jmcfadyen 13 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
sounds like your exe is actually an MSI. In which case what you are trying to do is not possible.

msi can only run a single session at one time. You can have two msi's running at one time using msiEmbeddedUi Api which requires a complex session transaction proxy to be setup. Based on the fact you asked this question heading down that road it is unlikely this is a path you should begin to entertain.

as such I believe your best path would be extract the 2nd msi from the exe, run them sequentially one after the other.
Posted by: jmcfadyen 13 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
one other thing you may face.

there is a 2gb limit on the size of a cab file. you cannot put a file over the size of 2gb into a cab.
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