Sage Line 50 via .cmd file using SCCM 2007
I am attempting to deploy Sage Line 50 v 7 via a .cmd file using SCCM 2007
Sage installs fine if I use the following command within the programs section of the package.
msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSIXPQVC /i "SageLine50.msi"
However, nothing happens on the receiving client if I set the package to run the program as a .cmd file.
Content of the .cmd file as below –
msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSIXPQVC /i "SageLine50.msi"
::Copy file to the C: Drive
Any advice or ideas would be appreciated.
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Also, the '/M' argument in your command line is completely spurious.
Lastly, please remove your duplicate post. - anonymous_9363 10 years ago
Also, if you are deploying through SCCM then you should set ALLUSERS=1 rather than 2 as SCCM deploys through a system account and you are not going to get a user context install anyway. - EdT 10 years ago