
Saving and exporting custom boxes in Project 2010

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I recently created a custom box (Data Template) for a user in Microsoft Project 2010. I want to take the box we created for the user and export it to other people who want to use the same box style. Is there a way to do this, or do I need to go to each person's machine and create the box on their computer as well? What is the best way to give other users access to this custom box without having to rebuild it for every person?

Thank you!

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Answers (1)

Posted by: EdT 10 years ago
Red Belt
Can you save this as a template file? In which case you can just email the file to users with instructions on where to copy the file on their systems and then how to open it.

  • I will certainly give that a shot. Thank you very much! - disco510 10 years ago

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