Script Install for Nero 8
I am having trouble writing a script to install Nero 8 and activate the serial number, any suggestions?
Answers (3)
I created a transform with following properties
I set the Feature Level to 999 for features I needed to install.
Install using following command line:
SetupX.exe NERO_SCOUT="FALSE" /qb! /NORESTART TRANSFORMS="AHD-Nero-8.1-R01-4224.mst"
v8.10.21 has a known pending reboot issue:
"A system reboot was requested by previous software installation (e.g. a Windows update).
This has apparantly been fixed in later versions.
If you have a volume licence then Nero Support can help.
They have some Silent Installation Guides and scripts they can provide to volume customers to help with deployments.
To be honest without those scripts I wouldn't have been able to product a package, there are some oddly named properties that you couldn't work out for yourself and the correct method of applying the licence etc.
You have to sign a NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement), so unfortunately I'm unable to share what I have.
Even if you don't have a volume licence Nero Support may be able to help you further.
Hope that helps,