
Scripting newbie looking for help installing printers on K2000

Sorry, I posted this in the wrong spot earlier.

my organization just bought a Kace k2000 and am looking for a way to install our printers via batch or script. Normally I install them by creating a new tcp/ip port and installing the drivers from a location on our network.

For an example:

The ip would be
the printer name is Production and the driver is located at:
the driver is located here: P:\OHS Print Drivers\_Adoption_Production\Production\Win_x86

Some of our printers need me to add the finisher after installation. I'm not sure if there is a way to do this as well but that would be great.

Any help is appreciated, even just pointing me in the right direction would go a long way toward getting the job done.


< Message edited by NoPoYo -- 10/22/2011 1:53:09 PM >

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Answers (2)

Posted by: dchristian 13 years ago
Red Belt

This should get you going:

The webpage says windows 2000 / xp but it does work in Win7.
Posted by: MichAda 13 years ago
Orange Belt
Trying to do exact same thing here...If you ever got the K to do it, would you mind posting your steps.
Found KKE that helped introduce what to do, but no sample, or walk through.
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