
serial number read

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Hi all,

anybody an idea how can I see which computer used a which serial number on his workstation? (adobe PSE 8-9)
with labels? :/

i have 30users with adobe photoshop elements 8 and 9 and a lot of serial number conflicts(not my fault xD ). and i will see wich have the same serial to change it.

sorry for my english...its a feature from my keyboard ;)

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Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Roonerspism 12 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt

Create a custom software inventory which checks a registry key, I'm assuming that the key would be held somewhere in there.

Only machines which match that registry information will pop up as having that software 'installed' on them. Then just filter it and look up the information with a report breaking them down into the two groups.

For example, on a windows machine I need to find out which people have MYSoftware installed with serial key XXXX-1 and also XXXX-2

Create two software titles, MYSoftware1 and MYSoftware2 and set them to this:




Machines with 1 will be listed as having that installed, machines with 2 will list as having that installed. Even if the key isnt installed I'm sure there will be some defining information.

Good luck!

Posted by: jknox 12 years ago
Red Belt

Something like this might work: http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/how-to-track-windows-and-office-product-keys

Posted by: blackbyte 12 years ago
Blue Belt

thx...i love u all...this was very helpfull..sorry for the late answer.

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