
Service Desk Email Notifications

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Hi all,

I recently upgraded our K1000 to the lastest version. 

I noticed that the email notifications links to the service desk ticket links does not work. in the previous version it does.

I have tried to modify and change the email notifications but nothing seems to help.

For example, If a user send an email to the service desk, the user gets a mail with the link to his ticket that just created. But the link does not work.

I looked in the HTML code ;  <a href="$ticket_url">Click here</a>, The dollar sign change to '%24' <a href="%24ticket_url">Click here</a>.

This problem occurs only in links (<a href="$ticket_url"></a>). If I write ($ticket_url) without in a HTML link code, it works. But this is not the way I want it.

Is there anyone who has the same problem? or someone who has a solution for this ?

Any help are welcome!



3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Log a support call!!! That is not expected behaviour - Hobbsy 5 years ago
  • I have contacted the support.
    They reply to me that it is a known problem and it is a bug. this will be fixed in a later version of the Appliance. - Rachid 5 years ago
  • Rachid, we also upgraded our K1000 recently and we got the same problem here. The image from our email, just lost. Could you solve? - tlinhares 5 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: akmagnum 5 years ago
Red Belt

Have you looked at the entry code in the "Service desk email notifications"?

Queue Detail -->  Configure Queue Email Settings --> Customize Emails

Go to the "Ticket created from email " section and have a look if the entry is correct.

Make sure it is $ in the code.


  • I have looked at the code and the '$' change automatically in '%24'.
    I have contacted the support.
    They reply to me that it is a known problem and it is a bug. this will be fixed in a later version of the Appliance. - Rachid 5 years ago

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