
Set an Application to be Avaliable, then auto changed to Require after a set period

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For a live rollout, we want the elective install to be open for 9 (working) days and for it to force the install on day 10, I hope this makes sense, any idea's?

Would this work?

Deployment Settings:    Install - Required

Scheduling:    Installation deadline set to 10 days after?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Maidens 7 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt

Yes this will work as you suggest. Very straight forward and does what it says, as long as the deadline is set for the correct date :)  Essentially your allowing 9 days for the clients to cache the software content and on the 10 day it installs.

We use it all the time in our organisation for large deployments, never had a problem.

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