
Setting a Destination Folder for Component Files

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I’m learning to use AdminStudio 6, a frustrating experience so far. I’m trying to understand how to set a Destination Folder for Component Files. When I click the dropdown menu I get choices like: [AdminToolsFolder], [ALLUSERSPROFILE], [AppDataFolder], [CommonAppDataFolder], [CommonFiles64Folder], [CommonFilesFolder], [DesktopFolder], [PersonalFolder] etc... There’s a lot more but this is enough of a sample so you’ll know what I’m talking about. Some of these make sense to me IE [CommonAppDatafolder]; I know where this is on Windows 2000 and XP systems. But which of these properties corresponds to the “Documents and Settings” folder on Windows 2000 and XP systems?

If I do a search on the web I can find explanations for some of the properties but not a complete list. I know some of these don’t apply to all operating systems. Basically what I’m asking is this, is there a listing which will tell me which directories on which Operating Systems these properties correspond to? I hate sitting there trying to guess, so many seem redundant. I wish they had included these kinds of explanations in the dropdown menu. Perhaps it’s in their “help” file but I couldn’t find it, although I didn’t go on any crusades looking for it. Should I have to?

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Answers (4)

Posted by: MSIPackager 19 years ago
3rd Degree Black Belt
This link should help - sounds like you are after the [PersonalFolder] property...

Posted by: wiseapp 19 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Hi MrStu:

Here is the link to all folder properties http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/msi/setup/system_folder_properties.asp (refining Rob's link here) [;)], whereas you want the corresponding property to documents and settings than as Rob said it's [PersonalFolders] . I hope this would address your issue.

Rob I sent you a PM man do check [;)]
Posted by: MrStu 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks Rob! This is what I was looking for.[;)]
Posted by: MrStu 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks to you too Bhupesh!

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