
Setting permission for folders in wise install master

Hello Guys,

I'm a new user..just started using wise for the past 3 weeks. I'm making a web server package.
I have a list of folders and asp files under it.

My issue is how can I set domain wide permission to those folders under D:\inetpu\mywebsite

I mean..i need to give custom permission to my web site folder and folders underneith it.
I know we can give permissions to individual files.

can some one help????

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Answers (14)

Posted by: deepucherian 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

I'm using wise for windows installer ver 4.2
Posted by: olivier 20 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

just read my topic that I made yesterday.
I use a customaction that runs a tool like cacls.exe
Posted by: deepucherian 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

Thanks for your help. I went and lookd at the KB article

can you tell me one more thing....if i apply permission to a folder...will it propagte to child folders after , if I copy few in to that from installation expert???

I mean, i will create a folder from setup editor and will set prmission. now if I go back to files in Installation expert and drag 2 other folders in to what i made before...will it have the permissions flow from parent????

I'm gona try this.....but if u have a suggestions..it will be heelpfull


Posted by: olivier 20 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

1) no, it will not inheritate: "Because Windows Installer cannot ensure that a parent folder installs first, you cannot count on a child folder inheriting the security permissions of the parent."

2) that's why I had to use a script which sets the permisions AFTER the file where copied.


Posted by: xink22822 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
i use secedit, is another tool of microsoft which you can set permission.
Posted by: olivier 20 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
but you have to use a template, is that right?
Posted by: deepucherian 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Oliver, Thanks for your fast response.
As you know, I just started using this.....long way to go.

Can you tell me how you used the script?? how can u mix that with the package??
or u use the cacls through a shortcut???

if ur mixing with the package..where and how we can do it?

Hope I'm not bothering you....

any way..thanks for ur help

Posted by: deepucherian 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
yes..i use a template to create custom made web package...
this is a template made by another employee..he is not here...but uit has pretty much
to do packageing for web site...but this is a special case where i have to use...
special permissions for some asp files....and folders..

any way..let me try...
Posted by: olivier 20 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

here is an example, one way to do that.
Everyway leads to Rom ;-)

Create a CustomAction
Action: SetRegPerm
Type: 34
Source: WindowsFolder
Target: "cmd /c c:\setregperm.vbs"

In InstallExecuteSequence:
Action SetRegPerm
Condition Not Installed
Sequence 6650 --> After InstallFinalize

script cool look like that

file1 = "c:\myfilethatneedpermissions.txt"

Set WShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Return = WShell.Run("%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe " & File1 & " /t /e /g " & chr(34) & "mydomain\domain users" & chr(34) & ":C" )

hope that help
Posted by: deepucherian 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks a lot Oliver....
you are spending lot of time for me.....

one quik question...

file1.txt can have only file names??right??
or can I put the folders names also also??will it porpagate?

do i need to mention the complete path as well???

You are great!!!
people like you are of great help for beginners..
thanks a lot for your help.
I'm good with exchange server and AD...I too will try helping people with what I know.

All the best !!
Posted by: olivier 20 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

you can also mention complete directories: for example

file1 = "c:\my files\"

and yes, it should propagates so you don't have to mention every file :-)

glad I could help.

Best thing would to that you try that right now.


Posted by: deepucherian 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

I'm sure it will wrk...let me try.....

Once again thanks for this gr8 help.

Posted by: olivier 20 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
no problem.
let me know if it works or not.


Posted by: MSIMaker 20 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
Nice to see another happy user.

Nice job olivier :)
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