
setup.exe fails to run

Hi All

I'm fairly new to deploying apps but I have an issue where I want to install an setup.exe silently on one of my test servers. When I run the script form altiris the setup.exe starts then closes seconds later.

I'm suspecting I have this tottaly wrong so here is the command line im running.

S:\Media\setup.exe /S /V INSTALLPATH=\"Y:\Apps\AppDir\" /QB /L*V X:\Masters\Admin\Logs\Installer\app.log"

where am I going wrong please any help would be great

thanks in advance

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Answers (2)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
your commanline does look abit off... try this:

S:\Media\setup.exe /S /V INSTALLPATH="Y:\Apps\AppDir\" /QB /L*V "X:\Masters\Admin\Logs\Installer\app.log"

Also from the /S /V it looks like there's an MSI hiding in the installer. Keep an eye on the installing user's %Temp% and %AppData% folders during installation. Chances are an MSI will pop up there. You could then install this directly instead of calling the setup.exe.

Finally, are you sure it's INSTALLPATH and not INSTALLDIR?


Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
If, as I suspect, the Altiris console deploys applications using the local System account, it won't by default have access to the network. You will probably have to copy the package to the target first, then run it in situ with a suitably altered command line.
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