
setup.ini options

Hi All,
I have an application I am packaging, it is a fantastic exe installer that calls on an internal exe file with a number of dll, cabs and one MSI with the prerequisites in it, but nothing in the tables of use.  Because of the MSI inside, I can't repackage the legacy install, the software then doesn't do what it was written for, downloading vehicle firmware.
Problem I would like to fix is, it keeps putting a desktop icon on the Public Desktop.  I can't find a list of changes I can make in the setup.ini to remove the shortcut.  
Does anybody have a list, or know where I can find a list of setup.ini properties.  I have tried a few things found on the Google, but nothing works so far.
The installation does not have a desktop shortcut question, so I can't put it in to the ISS file.

The only other option I have is to remove the shortcut last up in the install vbs, but wanted to know more about the ini options for future packages.  I am always trying to find the best way of doing things.

Thanks in advance

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

>of the MSI inside, I can't repackage the legacy install
Why not? Extract the MSI and then install it before you run your repackaging capture. WI will then see that the product is installed and do nothing.

  • VBScab - sometimes you just need a new head to get you back on track. Thanks
    I had spent so long on the first EXE file, because the app requires a hardware dongle I didn't have until the other day, then working out the first exe was a compressed exe, dll's and another MSI, I was so single minded on not repackaging the MSI and working with the vendors installer.
    I didn't think of it until I got home, about the time I got the email advising I had a response from my question. - Tempril 8 years ago
Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt
To answer your original question, SETUP.INI - like many similar installer-directive files - is quite crude and doesn't offer that level of granularity. I always re-package legacy installers anyway, since I like to know what nightmares the vendor is attempting to visit on my clients' workstation estates.

  • lol - thanks.
    by the way, the original MSI package didn't work because of the MSI in the compressed exe, but it worked after I took the MSI out. VBS'd the installer and it all works now. - Tempril 8 years ago

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