
silent deinstallation of Office XP

Hi all,

in our company we are using altiris for deploying software and images. we have two images, one with office xp standard and one with office xp professional within. If some got the standard image and a few months later he needs the office xp professional, the PC gets a completly new image. We don't want, that a helpdesk worker goes to the user that he deinstall standard and install professioanl office xp.

Now im am searching for a solution to deinstall the current installed office XP and install office xp professional with our deployment server. All actions have to be silent/quiet. I found in the microsoft KB the commandline switch /x. This switch deinstalls the installed office XP. But i can't get this switch to work in silent mode. The user get asked he is really sure to deinstall office, he can click yes or no. If this message would not come it would be perfect.

Does somebody knows a way to do that? thanks

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Answers (2)

Posted by: VikingLoki 20 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
Have you looked in the Office XP Resoure Kit? In the Office 2003 Resource Kit there is an Office Custom Installation Wizard that provides much more customization options than the command line provides. I don't remember if that existed in the XP version, but if it does then that's what you'll want to use.
Posted by: aogilmor 19 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
I believe these are the switches you're looking for, "msiexec /qb /x"

the /X {GUID} stipulates removal of the product with the Package ID {GUID}

the /q means silent.

Have a look at the SDK for a complete reference.
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