
Silent install Java JRE 7u7 does not work when tested on "www.java.com/sv/download/installed.jsp"


Silent install Java JRE 7u7 dont work when test it on "http://www.java.com/sv/download/installed.jsp"


start /w %~dp0jre-7u7-windows-x64.exe /s "/passive /norestart AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 IEXPLORER=1 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0"

It works if I download it from java.com and manually install JavaSetup7u7.exe

Any ideas?


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Answers (5)

Answer Summary:
Pass EULA=1 through command line
Posted by: hrs2cool 12 years ago
Black Belt

use the logging to find the problem..

  • The answer is EULA=0 - SaiTech 12 years ago
Posted by: SaiTech 12 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

The answer is EULA=0

Posted by: kurohebi 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

hi thanks for this hint, but i'm having doubts on the blocked updates, here is my code :

@echo off

rem Create Log Dir

IF NOT EXIST "%LOGPATH%" mkdir "%LOGPATH%"   rem Set working Path and EXE name (fill in the EXE full name)
rem Place EXE in a folder named Sources Set EXENAME1=jre-7u7-windows-i586.EXE
Set EXENAME2=jre-7u7-windows-x64.EXE
Set MSIPATH=%~dp0Sources\ REM This will automatically close IE if open
taskkill /f /im iexplore.exe /t
rem Installing echo Installing %EXENAME1% ... "%MSIPATH%%EXENAME1%" /s "/passive /norestart AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 IEXPLORER=1 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 EULA=1"
REM This will automatically close IE if open
taskkill /f /im iexplore.exe /t
echo Installing %EXENAME2% ... "%MSIPATH%%EXENAME2%" /s "/passive /norestart AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 IEXPLORER=1 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 EULA=1"




Posted by: ThomasRoes 12 years ago
White Belt



I've got the same problem. Installation seems to run fine:

- no MSI error's

- files in c:\program files\java\jre7 seem fine

- IE add-ins java SSV and SSV2 are present (the right version)

- there is java in the control-panel, and this opens.


on testing the java version with http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp

I get an error (translated from dutch) "cannot run add-in for this website".

Driving me crazy.

My data1.cab and jre1.7.0_07.msi are good. I tried a commandline installation on a not-domain-joined PC and it workts.

My suspicions are in the direction of our rather strict security policies.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Thomas Roes

Posted by: martynryan1 12 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

I tired doing a silent install of this as well but also came across the same problem as you. I think its due to the fact that it pops up about a certificate which you have to click yes on and if you attempt to install it silently it just sits at that part of the install until it times out and fails

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