
Silent installation for Lync in Windows 7

Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere (I was not able to find it). I'm working on deploying Microsoft Lync 2010 in a mixed Windows environment (mostly XP, some Win 7 PC's). I can get it to go using the /install /silent switches under XP, but that does not work under Win7. No errors or anything pop up, it just doesn't do...anything. I tried running it locally just to make sure that I didn't miss anything within Kbox, and receive the same result (again, nothing).

Has anyone gotten this to deploy successfully (and silently) under Windows 7?

Any and all help is appreciated.

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Answers (6)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
The Lync installer contains an MSI. You're better off taking this and running it directly. It's how we did it here and it works fine. The MSI has a property USEMSIFORLYNCINSTALLATION which was set to 1.


Posted by: jaybee96 12 years ago
Red Belt


Posted by: henrik80 12 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
To pass a public property to an msi just add it in the install command with the value you want.
msiexec /i <filename.msi> USEMSIFORLYNCINSTALLATION="#1"
Posted by: Matias M Andersen 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
And you might want to fix the Advertised Repair loop issue during launch, when using the MSI as stand-alone installer (check notes section).
Posted by: Ksuekihlman 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Forgive me for asking, but as someone pretty new to packaging (I was thrown into it, it's not my calling in life..lol) I am wondering about the reference to the setting USEMSIFORLYNCINSTALLATION. I looked at the MSI through Orca and found the setting, but how would you change this setting without a Transform? Would you not be changing the MSI itself? I have seen the error message received when trying to launch the MSI directly. I am also aware of the second executable OCSetupLauncher.exe which can be run with the switch /install /silent and it loads the prereqs and installs Lync.

But I am really wondering about changing the setting for the MSI.

Thank you for your patience.

Posted by: Ksuekihlman 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Awesome! Thank you very much! Of course it would make sense that it is just that simple. I should have known the rule of KISS would apply! :)

This will obviously be valuable information for future reference.

Thanks again!
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