
SMA Rule to Delete DUplicate Tickets

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One of our clients in another state receives technical support from another IT vendor before they escalate issues to us. When that does happen, the other IT team will submit a ticket via email to queue-name@kace.domain. The issue here is that when they submit the ticket via email, their system treats that as a normal email conversation that includes all of the previous participants (the effected staff member, their supervisor, and the technician from the other IT team most commonly). However that initial email chain is still active and now has the queue-name@kace.domain as a recipient so when anyone in that email chain 'replies all' it will open a duplicate ticket with the same title. The other IT team's associated ticket number are in their subject line, so it is set in the KACE ticket titles.

My question is: How would I setup a rule for the queue to:

-Close new tickets that have the same title as a current open state ticket by matching the title or string "RE: [#12345]" (the ticket titles follow the format "RE: [#12345] Title")

-Add a comment to the duplicate indicating that the ticket is being closed as a duplicate

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