
Software installation hanging

I am having an issue on machines where when I call software up via the downloads in the user portal, you see the box I created to start installing the software called please wait installing software.  I don't see any of the progress boxes to show installing occurring even though this does happen on other devices and I see the executable hanging in task manager with no sign of ending.  How can I troubleshoot this to see why this is happening?

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • If by "the executable hanging" in task manager you mean the installer then check the event logs to see what might be happening. At that point the KACE agent has launched the installer and it should install as if you ran the command yourself. - chucksteel 7 years ago
    • All I see in the logs is that it kicked off the installation. And would hang. When I uninstalled manually and reinstalled manually I saw the boxes come up of upgrade progress and successful installation. I also saw that in the event viewer in a way I never saw when I installed via the portal. This does not happen all the time its random and I tend to see this if you install, uninstall and reinstall on the same device multiple times. - fleminsa 7 years ago
      • If it is an MSI based install then you can enable verbose logging, otherwise it will be difficult to know where the problem is coming from. Also, I'm fairly certain that the install runs in the system context, but I'm not positive. If the user listed in task manager is system then there might be a dialog box that is trying to display but can't. - chucksteel 7 years ago
      • 1. check logs
        2. eventvwr
        3. Process mon - you may want to run it while installation is triggered , it should get you what is wrong .
        4. any services being installed in package ? - rock_star 7 years ago
  • It looks like when I am at Kace version 6.4 it does not hang. When I move to 7.0 and above it hangs. - fleminsa 7 years ago

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