
Software installed manually now a requirement to update via GPO

Now I need to install an update to the software. Ive modified the batch file and was going to set up a GPO computer startup script then I realised I need to tell the batch to only install the software if the old version is installed. I’ve looked at program files x86 and the files there are identical, only dates are different, so how do I tell my startup script to skip the install, maybe a registry entry or DLL is different, not sure if this can be written into a batch file or not?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Michelle.ashby 2 years ago
Purple Belt

More details so we can help properly please! Software name maybe?

If you are using SMA - you can make a label group to tag devices with the old software and add these to an MI or script to accomplish that. 

Posted by: TheyCallMeBacon 2 years ago
White Belt

Look for a version in the registry.


No version value there, so I can look in the Uninstall folder (also a great place to find uninstall strings):


Some 64-bit program settings are in the WOW6432NODE folder:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft Edge\DisplayName

Obviously, use your software name in lieu of Notepad++ or Microsoft Edge.

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