
Srial Number while installing

Can any one know how to get the User information and serial number dialog box while doing silent installation.The customer has many serial numbers so while installing they should get the dialogbox which will prompt to enter the user name and organization and serialnumber.while capturing using WPS it is asking those information but i could not find the corresponding registry keys and any other files like ini lic.Please give me the direction how to get the window while doing the silent installation.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: aogilmor 16 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
ORIGINAL: boapack
Can any one know how to get the User information and serial number dialog box while doing silent installation.The customer has many serial numbers so while installing they should get the dialogbox which will prompt to enter the user name and organization and serialnumber.while capturing using WPS it is asking those information but i could not find the corresponding registry keys and any other files like ini lic.Please give me the direction how to get the window while doing the silent installation.

when you say "many serial numbers" it sounds like individual licenses. If that is the case you won't be able to repackage it.
Posted by: AngelD 16 years ago
Red Belt
As Owen said deploying with "single" license in a corporate environment is a bad thing.

That said;
As you're using WPS, why not use InstallTailor to record options during UI and let it generate the transform your you.
If you are able to imput the license info during UI InstallTailor should be able to catch the property(ies) with the license code.

Another way is to use DebugView for a more "cleaning" transform.
For more info about this have a look at my "Monitor MSI installation actions in real time" comment at http://juice.altiris.com/article/1358/troubleshooting-wise-packages-with-windows-installer-log-files

If you find out the property holding the license and you got single licenses you could author a custom action that would set the license info bound to the user/computer.
John made a nice way of doing this by using an xml file, have a look at his blog. You can find the "Using Custom XML Based transforms" at http://johnmcfadyen.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!9DD01136FC094724!197.entry
Posted by: boapack 16 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi AngelD
Can you tell me which custom Action i can use,so that i can get the license window while doing the silent installation.I got the properties which holds Username,Organization Name and Serialnumber.

Please help me
Posted by: jmcfadyen 16 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
if its an MSI there is no CA you need to use. Just add the properties to the transform job done.
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