
Studio MX 2004 reinstalls

I've been trying to repackage Macromedia Studio MX 2004 for about three days now and i have been able to get it all working expect that when a user lauches any program in the suite the windows installer appears. It doesn't do a full install but just gathers information and only takes about a minute where a full reinstall would take about 10. This will happen for ever user every time they launch a Studio MX program, however if the user has admin rights it does not happen. I am using wininstall LE to do my repackaging.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: aogilmor 19 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Look in the event viewer application log. That will have the files or reg entries the MSI is attempting to repair.
Posted by: trudolph 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Below is the eventviewer message. I found that if i run the program once as administrator it will create that folder and then if i give users read access to the folder below that everything works great. Problem is now i don't know how/if i can put that folder and the correct permissions into the msi using WinInstall LE. As of now that folder does not exist in the msi. Some direction as to how to accomplish this?

Detection of product '{F78DDAAF-1BEB-4DFA-86B2-A26EF2F42884}', feature 'WIFEAT00000001', component '{E7AC6596-1B8B-4F61-9241-BC83A4A29980}' failed. The resource 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Local Settings\Application Data\Macromedia\' does not exist.

Posted by: aogilmor 19 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
I'm not famialiar with WinInstall LE but if you're using a setup capture type of tool you can always open the app before you end your capture (take care to exclude stuff that doesn't belong in the application). This is also a good way to capture "global" customizations.

You could manually add the directory to the MSI? if users only need read access you shouldn't need to do anything special.

ORIGINAL: trudolph

Problem is now i don't know how/if i can put that folder and the correct permissions into the msi using WinInstall LE. As of now that folder does not exist in the msi. Some direction as to how to accomplish this?

Posted by: trudolph 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I ended up opening the msi in the wininstall console and removed the componet. The componet was empty anyway so it didn't matter. After this one though there were about 6 others that had to be removed so it took some time to weed them all out. I had to install the msi, lauch a MMX2k4 program find the event viewer error that shows what triggered the reinstall and find and remove it from the package and then ghost the test box and start over again.

Thanks for your guidance[:)]
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