
Suppressing Reboot through SCCM


I am having an issue while deploying package through SCCM, the package is going for reboot without user intervention.This is setup.exe and it has .iss file. Manually testing is working fine but through SCCM package is going for reboot. Here is my .iss file

szCountry=United States
szACT=C:\Program Files\ACT\Act for Windows
szSQL=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server

Please let me know if you any ideas.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: jocken 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
On the SCCM program, on the general tab, you can configure the behavior after running the program. Set the after running action to "no action required".
Hope that helps.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
Take a capture of the install and find out why it's rebooting. My guess would be that it adds to the System PATH. If you like, you can then use the resulting MSI - suitably edited, of course - instead of the legacy installer.
Posted by: SandeepPanat 13 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
It appears that you are working on Sage ACT application.
In that case, you may already have a MSI installer available in the source.
Instead of capturing/using setup.iss, why not use the MSI installer?
Posted by: jocken@sah.com 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
On the SCCM program, on the general tab, you can configure the behavior after running the program. Set the after running action to "no action required".
Hope that helps.
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