

Any suggestions for deploying SynchronEyes to computer labs? It doesn't like being installed without local administrator priviliges.

The setup.exe extracts an MSI but when lanuched directly it returns "This installation cannot be run by directly launching the MSI package. You must use setup.exe"



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Answers (1)

Posted by: trudolph 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
For SynchronEyes 5.1 I just repackaged the student client using wininstall le. I know it's bad practice to repackage something that is already an msi but it got the job done and i deployed it on close to 300 workstations and haven't found a problem.

One problem i didn't find with this software that is not related the my repackaging is that if you use the web update function on the "teacher" computer you then MUST update all the student stations as well. There is a function in the teacher console to automatically update them but it fails if the user that logs in to the student station is not an admin. Haven't found a workaround for this yet so im not updating.
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