
Tableau Desktop Professional 8.3.0- Does anyone know how to silently install license though script

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Good Morning Everyone

I am application repackager, working on Tableau Desktop Professional 8.3.0 32bit application, I have all the information from my team. But I am having some issues regarding installing the license silently. I have gone to Tableaus website and gotten a cmd from there. but it still does not seem to work. I will list the cmd below. if you have worked with this application before can you please help me. thank you

@echo off

start/wait tableau.exe -activate  <license-key> if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (ECHO SUCCESS) ELSE (ECHO FAILED)


OS-Window 7

Application -Tableau Desktop Professional 8.3.0 32bite

command- msiexec /i "%~dp0tableau-setup-std-tableau-8-3.14.1117.2230.msi" /qb


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Answers (4)

Posted by: aragorn.2003 9 years ago
Red Belt
please note that a deployment via K1000 will not run as the logged on user, so maybe that´s the problem installing the license key, eg. if it is a per user license.
Posted by: ITreaper 9 years ago
Purple Belt

The application is being installed on a clean VM, then it will be tested my application lead as tester deployed to a anther clean VM.

Thank you for your help

Posted by: anonymous_9363 9 years ago
Red Belt
Use a lightweight snapshotting tool (I'm currently setting great store by 'Advanced Uninstaller Pro') when you run the activation. The changes that it records will - hopefully! - be clearly in either a machine or user context, i.e. they'll be stored in a file in the application's folder structure, in the 'All Users' profile structure, or in the logged-in user's profile. You can then determine how best to deploy it.
Posted by: EdT 9 years ago
Red Belt
I'm assuming you have yet to learn how to use the search engine in this forum, so I will point you at this thread:

  • Thank you for your help, but Unfortunately I have been trying this and it did not salve my issue. I still cant not get the application to activate and register. - ITreaper 9 years ago
    • Sorry, but I am unable to suggest any other things to try. This has always been a simple app to package so it is hard for me to figure out why there are so many issues you are experiencing. - EdT 9 years ago
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