
Text File Modification with WSE


I am trying to modify a text file to create a unique machine ID for an application.

Currently I have an MSI that asks for user input then inserts that into the registry. A Wise Script then reads that registry entry, displays an Information message (with OK/Cancel) showing the user's entry and modifies the text file.

Here's my problem: The script (as an EXE) works a treat on its own. When I insert it into the MSI (in Execute Deferred, just before installfinalize), the Wise Script seems to not read the registry entry. I have tried it in a blank MSI, creating the Registry Key manually and that doesn't work either.

Please can anyone help with what I'm doing wrong, or suggest a better method for modifying the text file?

Many thanks


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Answers (2)

Posted by: aogilmor 19 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
I would check on altiris.com support forum and see if others have addressed this re: WiseScript. since you know that the script works on its own it's got to be a timing issue. make sure you read the help file and SDK material. MSIs can be very picky about how external programs are run, both the timing and functionality.

If all you need to do is create a text file VBscript would be capable, and there are some good sample programs on the net for free. but again, watch the timing and read up on the SDK and wise help file.
Posted by: CollinF 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
That's great information. Thankyou.

I'll check the Altiris Support and see what I can do. :)

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