
to include patches and msi

I have a msi and 2 patches.When i install that msi the two patches also should get installed.This is the requirement.
I created a transform for that msi .I opened a new installshield and chained that msi.But how to include those two patches in that install shield.

Can anyone help plz.


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Answers (7)

Posted by: timmsie 13 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
not sure about Installshield, but why don't you do an admin install and patch that
Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
you'll want to create an Administrative Installpoint (AIP) for the MSI. You do this with the commandline

msiexec.exe /p <path to .msp> /a <path to MSI>

this will update your MSI to incorporate the changes in the patch. You can then use the resulting MSI installer for a one-shot install of the patched application.

Posted by: Goutham 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Yeah admin installation can be done.This is differenet case i think. Actuall my msi is latest version of pentazip.And the two patches removes the previous version.so can we do admin install for this?

we were told that this can be done only through custom actions.so is it that we can do it through only custom actions or is there any other way.?
I dont knw how to do through custom actions.

Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
Removing the previous versions, if all installers are and were msi, should be done using the Upgrade Table in your latest package. Don't really see why you would complicate things with patches at this level.

In any case, if the patches you mention contain the logic to do this uninstall, be it with that table or CA or another method, creating an AIP should still incorporate all this into your installer, so yes, it's still the way to go.

Posted by: Goutham 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Yeah i have done it through admin installation.Dnt knw what exactly happening.when tried through admin installation the new versions are getting installed.But when we observed through picture tracer we found that the patch is not getting installed.so we thought to install patch through custom actions.But i searched a lot how to include patches through custom actions but im not getting any info.Any help plz?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
the patch is not getting installedThen the AIP didn't patch properly.

Do this in stages.

- Create the AIP
- Back it up (if you're paranoid, like me)
- Do a test deploy to a VM/VPC/VBox
- Apply the patches sequentially (backing up in between - see above LOL)
- Do a test deploy to a VM/VPC/VBox
- Deploy
Posted by: Matias M Andersen 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
MSP files can only be installed when the "Product To Patch" is installed on the client. Patches cant be applied during installation of the "Product To Patch".

If the Administrative Installation have been patched correctly and still not working, I would suggest that you to create a script/batch file to execute the files in the correct order.
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