
TRANSFORMS not getting applied.Getting deleted

Hi All.
I have a MSI for which I have created a transform, which are not getting applied.Verbose log is showing that Transforms are getting deleted.
MSI requires ISSETUPDRIVEN=1 property, which when passed from command line, installas the MSI, but when theis property is included in MST in property table, the package is not getting installed, and when the verbose log is checked, it shows that deleting transforms.
Have tried commenting the few Coustom Actions in MST , but it din't lead me to any solution.
However, if we merge the MST with MSI, the package is installing just fine.

Has any body come across similar issue, or has anybody got the solution for the same...

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Answers (3)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
Do you mean that the TRANSFORMS property is emptied/made null rather than being deleted or do you mean that the transform file itself is being deleted?

As ever, a proper authoring tool will allow you to debug your MSI/MST by stepping through each action and monitoring the properties and their values.
Posted by: Jayesh2011 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
The Transforms Property is getting deleted.
My actual source was Setup.exe , which was giving call to a Vendor MSI. Also, there were several other functionality perormed by Setup.exe. So I captured the Setup.exe and made another MSI. After this MSI is installed, the transform to the vendor MSI are not being applied, they are getting deleted. Couldn't find the reason for the same, so trying different approach, i.e. installing vendor msi first the installing the captured msi.
Thanks anyways
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
What you should do in this scenario is extract and use the MSI. Create a transform for this MSI. After an initial test installation using the MSI & MST, rename the relevant key in the 'Uninstall' branch so that a subsequent installation is fooled into believing that the product is not installed. Then, take a 'Before' snapshot using your favoured snapshot tool (e.g. InstallWatch, Picture Taker, whatever). Next, run the set-up stub. When it completes, take an 'After' snapshot. Add any relevant changes to your transform.
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