
Troubles with Adobe Reader 8 - Deployment Wizard

I am having troubles with Adobe Reader 8 and its Deployment Wizard.

I run the Deployment Wizard against Adobe Reader 8 and create an MST. In my transform, I have disabled the EULA, automatic updates, purchasing adobe acrobat, supress reboot, and the various other items that would confuse my end users. However, whenever I run the transform against AcroRead.msi it is simply ignored. When I turn on logging, the transform is indeed being "seen" by msiexec, however it doesn't seem to apply its settings. No errors are reported.

When Adobe Reader is launched after installing with the transform, I get the EULA, the Beyond Reader, and all of the other garbage I wanted to disable.

I am running version 3.01 of Windows Installer on a Windows XP SP2 machine that does not belong to a domain or active directory. I am running msiexec with a local user account that has full admin privileges to the machine.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?


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Answers (3)

Posted by: rpfenninger 17 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Hi Paul

I didn't encounter such a problem.
However I'd recommend that you check your .mst file to see if it looks fine.
Simply open the .msi in Orca and apply transform to see if it works.

The command line option is correct when launching msiexec manually?
I encountered the same when I was using the /t option. I prefer to still use the old TRANSFORMS=file.mst syntax.

Hope this helps

Posted by: schieb 17 years ago
Purple Belt
Mine works fine using the tuner then msiexec /i "\\server\path\AcroRead.msi" TRANSFORMS="\\server\path\myMST.mst" /qb-

I would check for typos and maybe even just re-type it all. You do need to have the full path to the .mst file in TRANSFORMS=
Posted by: N615 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I tried using the deploy wizard, and found it to be worthless. For example, I went in, set all my settings, removed desktop icons, made silent, etc. Then I wanted to fine tune using Installshield. So I opened my MST, all the setting that should have been set by the DW were still at their defaults. when I built my MSI, it was like I had done nothing to it. So my best advice is, get the original MSI, follow the guide in the appdeploy packaging notes for adobe 8 and the tune with an editor besides the DW. It will save you lots of time.
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