

Anyone have any tips for Tweetdeck? I can't seem to get my hands on an installer. I know Adobe Air has a lot to do with it, but has anyone been able to successfully package Tweetdeck? They just had an update and unfortunately, working in a PR firm, all of our users have Tweetdeck so we expect to see an influx of requests for our help desk techs to update.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Rheuvel 14 years ago
Brown Belt
I just looked into this, haven't had the time to actually test it proper... Anyways, try this:

Repackage Adobe AIR if you haven't done so already. Make sure auto updates for AIR are turned off:

There's also some option about allowing users to install/update AIR applications if I remember correctly, make sure this one is set to true.

On the packaging machine:
- Install your AIR package as requirement.
- Start first snapshot.
- Go to tweetdeck.com and install TweetDeck Desktop
- Comparison snapshot.

As for TweetDeck (and any AIR application), updating of the apps itself isn't handled by the client, but on the TweetDeck server it is connecting to, so you can't really turn this off. It doesn't have to be a problem though, as AIR applications seem to consist of files only. Give modify permissions to INSTALLDIR and the app should be able to update under the user's credentials.

Keep in mind this will need some testing, as it's just a theory.....
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