


I'm trying to package UltraEdit32 10.x with Wise Package Studio. Now that i've got it packaged there is a problem. I've read the information in the knowledgebase and saw that the file Notepad.exe needs to be replaced by the one that is included with the UltraEdit32 software. Unfortunately the software I've got over here doesn't have a seperate file Notepad.exe

Can someone please tell me where I can find the Notepad.exe file that is used by UltraEdit?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Answers (10)

Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
That's weird - notepad is a protected file!
Posted by: superj 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
It is a protected file. But there is a problem with the package I've created when creating .txt files. I've taken a look on this site for a package description for UltraEdit. In this description I saw that the Notepad.exe file needed to be replaced. But before I can try to replace the file I will need the file the replace it with....
Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
Could you post the link to the web page where you saw this information?

Maybe I can make sense of it?

Or maybe you can explain exactly what the problem is?
Posted by: superj 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Here's the link : http://www.appdeploy.com/packages/detail.asp?id=282

The problem I've got over here is the following. After packaging UltraEdit32 it installs and runs fine. Only when I try to create a new text document on my desktop by using the right mouse button it gives an error saying : Can not create New textdocument.txt The configurationkey is invalid.

After this error the ability to create a new textdocument by using the right mouse button dissapears. When I start UltraEdit32 and change the settings so it's not used for textdocuments anymore, the right mousebutton option gets back and I can create a text document without any problems.

Thanks for your help.
Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
That is indeed what the post suggests! I'm not sure how credible this is though?

If notepad really does have to be replaced (which I'm still not convinced it should), then the vendors own setup should do so. In which case, it should be easy for you to obtain a copy of this custom file?

What are the symptoms that make you think something is wrong?
Posted by: superj 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
The problem is discribed in my previous post (I've edited the post after seeing that you asked what the problem was).

I've also had doubts about the credibility of the post because I can't find any different versions of the Notepad.exe file before and after installation of the application.

If you take a look at the problem it seems that the post can be right. After installation of UltraEdit32 it is not possible to create text files by using the right mouse button. When I deselect the option (within UltraEdit) to use the application also for .txt files everything starts working again.
Posted by: brenthunter2005 19 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
I've just installed UltraEdit32 v10, and it does not replace Notepad.exe in the system32 directory.

I will create a package now and see whats up...
Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
You might find that simply reassociating ".txt" files with notepad might fix the problem.

From command prompt:

assoc .txt=txtfile
Posted by: superj 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
It is possible to use this sollution but this isn't the sollution I'm looking for. The company I'm packaging UltraEdit for wants to use UltraEdit for .txt files as well. With the given sollution they will use Notepad for editing .txt files.

I'm still working on it over here but monday is my last day within this company.
Posted by: inert 19 years ago
Orange Belt
This text file comes with the installation package of Uedit:

Some applications automatically call Notepad without offering the user
any options as to which utility to use. If you'd like UltraEdit-32 to
replace Notepad in these instances please follow these steps:

1. Make sure that during installation of UltraEdit you select the option to
have UltraEdit added to your path. If you did not do this you can reinstall
UltraEdit-32 or edit the path to include the directory to which you installed
UltraEdit-32. Please don't ask us how to edit the path, if you are
unsure please reinstall UltraEdit-32, your configuration changes will not
be lost.

You can verify UltraEdit-32 is in the path by opening a DOS Command Window
and from a DOS prompt (NOT in the UltraEdit directory) type "uedit32". If
this starts UltraEdit-32 the path is set correctly. If not, you will need
correct the path as outlined above.

2. To replace notepad.exe we STRONGLY recommend you find all occurences of
notepad.exe and make a backup copy of them. Do not rename them as this may
cause the File Associations to notepad.exe to remain with with the renamed

After making a copy of the notepad.exe replace the notepad.exe with the
included file (notepad.exe). This file (notepad.exe) will invoke UltraEdit
in instances which by default call for Notepad.


** Note - You need Administrator access to make these changes (at least
with a properly configured system).

1. In the WINNT\system32\dllcache directory, rename the old notepad.exe
(if it exists) to notepad.exe.bak or something similar so that you'll have
it if you need to go back. (This directory may be hidden.)

2. Copy the attached notepad.exe into your dllcache directory. Windows 2000
will notice the change and pop up a dialog box asking you to insert your
Windows 2000 CD so that it can restore the file. Hit <Cancel>. You will be
asked if you're sure that you want to use the unsigned version; answer <Yes>.

3. After Step 2, you can go ahead and copy your new notepad.exe into
your WINNT and WINNT\system32 directories. You'll get the same dialog
boxes that you did in Step 2; just give the same responses. You're now
ready to roll. (If you do this before Step 1, Windows 2000 will take its
original copy from dllcache and replace your new versions.)

** Note that if you have your Windows 2000 CD in your drive when you do this,
it's possible that instead of popping up a dialog box, Windows 2000 will pull
the old notepad.exe from the CD and replace your new notepad.exe
without any notification. If this occurs, it won't hurt anything,
you'll just have to take the CD out and re-do Steps 1 and 2.
End of txt file.

Hopefully it's of some use...
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