
Unable to create installation point using an MSI file

Hi can someone help.

I am trying to create an installation point for workshare version 3 using an existing msi file.

If I use a "/a" switch i get an error box from windows installer v 2.00.2600.1106 "Incorrect command line parameters"

I also tried the following "msiexec /a .....workshare.msi" I get the first flash screen of the installation and when i press next I receive a message box "internal error 2343"

Can anyone offer some advice.

Thanks Gareth [:)]

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Answers (2)

Posted by: brenthunter2005 20 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
The 'internal error 2343' means that a specified path is empty. When you specify the /a switch sometimes other properties are also needed. I wouldn't be suprised if you need to specify the TARGETDIR property on your command line.

Therefore your command line should be:

msiexec /a workshare.msi TARGETDIR=C:\WorkShare_AdminPoint

or whatever [:-]
Posted by: Bladerun 20 years ago
Green Belt
You're pointing it at the existing msi, correct?

The proper format is:
msiexec /a <path_to_old_msi>\<oldmsiname>

If you're doing that, then the msi is probably a wrapper, not a true MSI. Sometimes vendors will wrap exe's in msi's to allow certain permissions when the software is run.
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