
Unable to log into K1100 admin ui

Hello All,


With the help of Kace support today we upgraded our K1100 from 5.3.4597 to 5.4.70402 and while the upgrade has completed we are no longer able to access the Admin portal user interface in the browser.  We can however access the user interface by typing the k1100 server ip address into the web browser.  

any idea on what can be causing this?



3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Did you change the IP address prior to the upgrade? If so, have you reverted back to the original one? - rockhead44 11 years ago
  • Right after I asked this question I thought of that. We changed the IP address a couple of days ago on the server in prep of the update. After changing the IP Address all of our PC's still had AMP Connections and we could access the kbox admin portal fine. Since the update I need to type the temp IP address of the server /admin to get to the admin portal and we have no amp connections. So probably changing the IP address back to the original will fix these issues, correct? - Mlib 11 years ago
  • I'm glad that worked for you. - rockhead44 11 years ago

Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: StockTrader 11 years ago
Red Belt



check loggin in the text console that the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway are ok.

Then try to use another browser than the usual one.

It is not replying at all or is displaying to you an error message on the browser?

In the meantime I suggest you to open a support case.

 Kind regards,

Marco - StockTrader

Posted by: Mlib 11 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt

I have a ticket with Kace open, just figured I would ask while waiting to hear back.


Its odd we could access the K1100 by name and still had amp connections even after we changed the IP address to the temp one.  As soon as we did the update we could only access the console by IP address and lost amp connecitons.  Will wait till I hear back from Tech support till I venture any further but figured I would ask to see if any one else had this issue.  Probably all we will have to do is change the IP address back to the old one and all will be well.


Posted by: Mlib 11 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt

Well by changing the IP address it fixed all of our issues.  Thanks for the help everyone, greatly appreciated.

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