Unicast Imaging K2000
Like many places, we are unable to utilize multicast imaging due to PGM limitations with our Cisco gear. I do see where NORM is supported with 4.0 but have not performed that upgrade yet. My question is regarding unicasting limitations in the K2000. I was collaborating with a few other Kace customers and they were imaging nearly 25 computers over their 1GB WAN connection using unicast. I currently am limited to being able to image about eight computers across my network using unicast before my 1GB WAN link becomes totally saturated. Am I missing something? Even when trying to image on the same site as my K2000 where I have 10GB all the way to the core, I'm still only about to get about 20 computers before some start to fail. Long story short, I'm curious how many computers people have been able to unicast image to and if what or any changes they made in their environment. I just figured 8-10 computers was a normal limitation. Thanks
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You can also try peer to peer deployment http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/k2000-peer-to-peer-dployment - gwir 8 years ago
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8 years ago
do what I do I store my wims at each site so I do not go over the wire for that portion of imaging (90% of the work)