
Upgrading from SCCM 2007 to 2012: During upgrade of client, it deletes ..\CCM\Cache folder which breaks our app-v applications

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Our Current app-v infrastructure is (v4.6SP1):

We are downloading the app-v package into the SCCM cache folder and streaming it locally from the app-v client. (we don’t have an app-v management server)

When we upgrade the SCCM client to 2012 it will uninstall our 2007 SCCM client and delete the C:\Windows\System32\CCM\Cache folder in which all our app-v applications reside and that will break our app-v applications.

We are not upgrading the App-v Client at this time.

I just wanted to know of a way where when we do the upgrade without breaking our app-v applications in our environment.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 10 years ago
Red Belt
It seems like this is by design, as described here.

I'd simply copy the folder to %SystemRoot%\TEMP and then, post-installation, copy it back. Of course, you'll need to test that scenario fully.

Alternatively, it might be simpler to re-advertise the apps. That way, the cache folder would be updated but the apps wouldn't be re-installed because the Windows Installer registry data will still be intact.
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