User Portal - Overall User Experience
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Hello all,
So I have been working with KACE for a month and I think it is a neat system. I love the inventory aspect of it and how it integrates into the Service Desk and ticketing. I am however not blown away by the lack of 'User Experience' that the product offers. With that said, after some research, it looks like we can enhance that with time and patience.
I am just throwing this out there, but I am looking for some ideas on customizing the user portal, maybe some examples of implemented self service, knowledge bases, maybe self help, stuff like that. I am also looking for some specific examples of enhanced HTML emails that people may have done in KACE to enhance the look and feel of the emails to the customer. I really want to build on the user experience, and any examples or direction that you can provide would be fantastic.
I did review the articles on the site and also this one below:
But I am looking to go even further than this with the user experience. I really want to test the limits here and provide something more.
Let me know what you have! I would be happy to share any wins/losses as I go on.
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This was possible years ago via JKuery, KACE support sent me this on an email back in 2016:
"Appliance customizations implemented via the now deprecated JKuery capability are no longer possible/supported in version 6.4 and later of the K1000. Security enhancements have rendered this capability inoperable. If you have a customization in place leveraging JKuery it will be necessary to not upgrade to v6.4 and newer versions of the K1000.
We are continually improving our product and expect to address most all needs in our supported, unmodified product in the future. Please help ensure we are aware of the details of your needs by submitting feature requests for consideration at"
Also KACE will not support any kind of custom made cosmetic changes, and it may impact the Appliance Performance.
There are a couple of Customization Request on the KACE Uservocie portal, I suggest you post and vote for the ones you like the most: - Channeler 7 years ago