
Using Custom Action


I have generated a custom action(Execute Program from path) [Wise Studio 7.0] to register the license key, it goes like this-- Execute Program From path 0 Command Line C:\Program Files\xxx\register.exe /Axxxxxx . & this worked fine on XP but not on Win7 , what change I need to do , to make it run on Win7 as well & Should be created in same package , Am I using the right custom action ?

Please Suggest ,


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Answers (3)

Posted by: captain_planet 13 years ago
Black Belt
I take it your Win 7 build is 32-bit? If not, your program files folder will be named slightly differently. If so, ensure that your CA is running as Deferred in a System Context. Probably somewhere between InstallFiles and InstallFinalize. Then consider using a slightly different approach to hard coding the path to register.exe - perhaps a different type of custom action such as a VBScript using an environment variable to get the 'Program Files' folder? Or if 'register.exe' is installed with the package, use a 'Execute Program from Installed Files' custom action instead....
Posted by: hrakeesh 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks Captain_planet, my Win7 is 64bit, I have ran into an other situation , the package which I have created is working only on that XP machine not on any other XP machines, as I mentioned in my earlier post about the custom action, I have left the Property as default i.e., wisedebug mode, should I need to change this to something else moreover am using this CA in user sequence , Am I doing it right?

Please suggest,

Posted by: jmcfadyen 13 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
first captain_planet already told you what to do, i suggest you reread his answer. why ask the question if you don't even bother to read the answers given to you.

your path should be using a folder reference as opposed to a path from a property.

[$componentKey]register.exe or similar.

you also need to run the exe as deferred in system context. you may also find uac is blocking your attempts at running elevated "if" that is the case you can use elevate.exe to get around it. but it shouldn't be an issue in this situation.
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