Viewing images over the Network
I'm currently dealing with a situation at my company that has been hindering my cardiologist from veiwing studies over the network. We use a DICOM application called showcase to view the images of the heart. We have two locations that mimick the same network setup. One location the images come through with no problem. The second location the images are buffering. The setup is as follows:
1. Images move from the ultrasound machine to the server pc. This server pc is shared out to the viewer machines that the cardiologist use. There are about 4 cardiologist that use look at studies, but they all don't view these images at the same time. It wil be 2 doctors the most viewing these studies at the sametime.
I've connected the server pc to the first switch from the router and i've still seen slowness. Not sure what could be causing this issue.
Has anyone used this application "showcase" before? What can i do to improve the performance?
Answers (3)
I've setup the server to a gigaethernet as well as the switch. All the viewer pcs are at a gigaethernet as well.
you probably should use something like process monitor to look at the other aspects on the server to see if any of those are a bottle neck.
Could also be your AV scanning the files prior to opening
Could be the bug with moving large files from certain server os's to certain workstation os's. you are still copying that file to some local temp area to view it. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
no the files are not being copied at all. They're shared from the server machine in a folder. This repository is viewed in the showcase application.
There is still a background copy to put that file in the memory or cache to view on that machine, just like a browser places the jpegs in the temp area locally and then display's them. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
so do you suggest i remove this cache? - tross88 11 years ago
no you can determine if the problem is related to the large files being copied by testing this without the software by doing a xcopy and see if it takes a long time.
Also you can test by putting that file on a share that is the same os and bit version and see if the time improves. So for temp testing purposes if your WS are windows 7 32 bit choose one of those and put a test repository on one and point one or two other machines at this and see how the time is compared to the server. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
the server is just a windows 7 mega house pc. All machines are 64 bit. I can try to view the data from another pc and see how it works. - tross88 11 years ago
how large are the files and how much ram do you have in this box? also is the OS on the "server" 64bit?.
Are all the machines in a domain or the same home group? - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago-
Windows 7 is not really designed to do what you are trying to do, it does not like more then 2 connections to a box and does not handle file caching as well as server. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago