
Visual Studio 2019 - Managed install Using a LAYOUT File?

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Previously, we were deploying visual studio by using a batch file to call to a seperate file server. However, due to changes in our environment this is the first time I'm trying to use Microsofts new highly convoluted setup system for Visual Studio Professional installation located fully on the K1000/SMA...

That being said: I'm trying to install Visual Studio Professional 2019 to PC's using a Managed Install / Label for Deployment.

When configuring VS2019 for offline deployment, I created a layout file of just the components we need selected. Those components are downloaded and located in a 3.4gb zip file, that has been added to client drop and then associated with the inventoried Software with the managed install created, as one would normally.

However, I need to call on the file "Layout.json" in the install command

The working command for local install is, for example: "vs_professional.exe --passive --in c:\pathtofiles\Layout.json" - Calling the full path to the layout file works fine locally on the PC. While calling to "vs_professional.exe --passive --in Layout.json" does not. Boostrapper can not find the layout.json unless it's full path is designated.

I would assume the KACE "Override default installation" command would then be "vs_professional.exe --passive --in ${KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR}\Layout.json" but the layout.json file cannot be found by the bootstrapper (vs_professional.exe).
I have tried creating a batch file to call to the Kace Dependency dir as well, but again, layout.json is not found. But if I navigate to %Appdata%\KACE\downloads\XXXX\the layout.json file is plainly there.

I've been bashing my head against my desk for 2 days on this. Any thoughts?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: rileyz 4 years ago
Red Belt

You should be able to get batch to call the installer using the path, have you tried using %~dp0.


Or you could just go all out , over engineer it and use the PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit.

Posted by: jasmeet10 4 years ago
White Belt


First, update the Visual Studio installer:

vs_enterprise.exe --quiet --update

Then, update the Visual Studio application itself:

vs_enterprise.exe update --installPath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise" --quiet --wait --norestart

This is my computer path, you have to choose your path

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