Visual Studio Premium 2013
i want to deploy VS2013 silent with SCCM to an Windows 8 Client and have a question.
The silent installation failed with an unkown error code, which i can see in the AppEnforce.log (exit code 34371)
To test the installation i decided to start the powershell script manually and got the following review as result.
VS2013 seems to work, i could start it without any issues.
Did anyone know something about this and have an advice for me?
Please help!
download the iso again. - Sidhugadu 10 years ago
Answers (2)
Did you install those pre-reqs first?
I would suggest you install the pre-reqs instead of the package installing it for you, it adds in a lot more work, but if you add it into SCCM as a install task then you can check it as part of the logging (from sccm).
When you let the package install the pre-reqs, it can be a bit hit and miss weather it installed the pre-reqs ok, like in this case.
On a side note, if you use powershell to do the install, your hiding the reporting from SCCM, so your not getting the best from SCCM reporting.
Anyway, for the above - get a clean machine and take note of what is in the add/remove programs. Install VS 2013 and see what pre-reqs it installed. Once you know that you can add that as part of the install before VS2013 installs, should cover off your problem.