Deployment of Visual studio ultimate or professional 2012
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Is it possible to have .MSi for Visual studio ultimate or professiona 2012
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Yes but why would you want to? Do you have that many developers that you need a deployment mechanism? Don't they have Admin privileges on their machines, enabling them to install what they need themselves? - anonymous_9363 11 years ago
Automating it is not easy, but well documented. If your goal is a single MSI you might deploy with Group Policy, I'd agree that is ill-advised. For some relevant tips on automation check out - bkelly 11 years ago
yes, but its slightly complicated - mark_lawrence007 11 years ago
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11 years ago
Possible... maybe. Advisable, not in your freaking mind! If a customer told me to snap VS into a single msi, it would have to be at gunpoint.
Deploy using the MS documented methods and live with the limitations. VS is too complex and will cause you tons of head-aches even with current version and especially upgrades. It would take TONS of hours to reverse engineer and troubleshoot... not worth it at all.